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* Survey Research  - I conduct Internet surveys quickly and accurately.   I have experience in developing unbiased questions, gathering information, presenting the data, and documenting the results.  Using representative samples, or total populations, of your customers or employees will yield statistically reliable information.   
* Focus Groups - Focus groups are directed discussions with a select group of 8 to 12 people.  By asking a series of pre-determined questions, a client can acquire descriptive information from its customers.  A two hour focus group session can gain insight and understanding about your customer's perceptions and experiences with your products and services.  Following the session, I describe the interactions, generate analysis and make recommendations.   
* Demographic Analysis - Examining population data is an efficient way to enrich your understanding of the social background of your current and potential customers in a geographic area.  Analysis such as this can be conducted quickly and provide a population profile of contigious communities or non-contigious communities united by factors such as eduction, income, politics, sports, clubs, etc.       
* Data Base Analysis - I use a statistical package called Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).     Using this software provides me with the capability of applying statistical techniques such as reqressions and cross tabulations to analyze large and small data bases.  I can determine when background factors in association with "dependent variables" (such as satisfaction with your organization's products or services) are statistical significant or due to chance.    
* Marketing Plans - Based on sound scientific analysis, I compile marketing plans that are timed, incentive based, and cost effective.  The basis of marketing is to know your customers and understand what motivates them.  Motivations may be much different for different groups of customers, and therefore a variety of marketing strategies may need to be employed.    
* Evaluation - Evaluations of projects, organizational effectiveness, and even individuals can take many forms.  The ideal method is to have baseline information from which to compare any type of intervention.  Without a baseline, evaluations can still be conducted by creatively using some of the social science methods described above.  You need to measure and evaluate changes in order to base your decisions on valid information. I have performed many formal evaluations called Social Impact Assessments in the environmental area.  These methods can be applied to a wide variety of marketing and organzational situations.    
* Conflict Management - Conflict is an inevitable component of social interaction.  Conflict can never be fully alleviated, but it can be managed.  I have managed conflicts by applying methods based on tried and true social science. However, conflicts can change quickly and morph into other situations if not controlled.  Because of the element that emotion plays in conflicts, there is an instinctual component to managing conflicts.  I have developed training modules on this topic as well as authored workbooks.  This information is based on my research as well as my experience in managing conflict situations.    
Training and Presentations - Training/presentations can be provided to any sized group on social science topics such as leadership, conflict management, group dynamics, building alliances, marketing, managing and understanding cultural diversity, gaining trust, working with community leaders, public involvment, understanding community power, and managing change and transition.  




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